Internship Search Timetable Checklist
- Register online with Handshake by TSU. Go to and click here to register online with “Handshake by TSU". Registration in our system will allow employers to notify you of internship opportunities, as well as provide you with access to internship listings. Attend a How to Find an Internship seminar or make an internship appointment to learn about the different resources available for finding an internship
- Make a resume appointment to have staff review your resume and cover letter.
- Attend the Fall Career Fair to network and learn about internship opportunities.
- Attend the Career Services presentations such as Internship Decorum, Resume Ready, Dress for Success, and Speed Networking
- Use your network—who do you know (and who do they know) that may have an internship opportunity? Consider faculty, family, friends, alumni, etc.
- Develop a “prospects” list of potential employers in which you are interested.
- Prepare customized cover letters and resumes for each internship opportunity.
- Apply for internships with early deadlines.
- Conduct follow-up phone calls with prospective employers.
- If you wish to earn academic credit for your internship, check with your academic department to determine whether credit may be arranged. Academic credit should be arranged prior to the start of the internship!
- If seeking an internship near home, use this time to identify possible internship sites/apply.
- Continue to network and inform contacts of your internship-search plans.
- Check your wardrobe for proper interview attire and purchase items as necessary.
- If just getting started, begin with the September/October/November/December checklist.
- Update your Handshake profile and revise your resume as necessary.
- Apply for internships (those posted) and/or contact desired employers that may be willing to create an internship opportunity for you.
- Utilize resume and internship advising for resume critiques and other questions.
- Attend the Spring Career and Internship Fair to network with employers.
- Follow up with contacts made at the fair and interview with interested parties.
- Tip: Spring Break is a good time to schedule off-campus interviews with employers.
- Evaluate internship offers and select the best. Confirm start date and other details in writing.
- Arrange transportation, housing, etc., if needed.
- Set goals and discuss mutual expectations with your internship supervisor.
- Experience a great internship!